Missing journalist Imran Riaz Khan reached home after four months

The Punjab police on Monday night confirmed that missing journalist Imran Riaz Khan has been recovered and reached his home in Lahore.
The Imran riaz Khan lawyer, Mian Ali Ashfaq, and DPO Sialkot confirmed the news that Mr Khan reached his home after four months and he is safe.
Anchor Youtuber, Imran Riaz Khan has been missing for the last four months and police had not the knowledge of his whereabouts now police told the media that Imran Riaz Khan had been recovered and reached his home in Lahore.
Police say further developments will be shared later with the media in this regard
اللہ کے خاص فضل، کرم و رحمت سے اپنے شہزادے کو پھر لے آیا ھوں-
مشکلات کے انبار، معاملہ فہمی کی آخری حد، کمزور عدلیہ و موجودہ غیر مؤثر سر عام آئین و قانونی بے بسی کی وجہ سے بہت زیادہ وقت لگا- 🙏
ناقابل بیان حالات کے باوجود اللہ رب العزت نے یہ بہترین دن دکھایا اس وقت صرف بے پناہ… pic.twitter.com/z96M9pGaPZ
— Mian Ali Ashfaq (@MianAliAshfaq) September 25, 2023